Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let Me Be The First To Say

FUCKING ENOUGH WITH BRETT FAVRE, OK? He's a 39 year old quarterback coming off reconstructive surgery going to a team with no receivers who he has never practiced with. He is a lazy dick who went out of his way not to put in effort this offseason. He is every bit the asshole Barry Bonds. He will suck. I promise you that. He threw 22 picks last year, and had a QB rating a point higher than that of Kyle Orton. He may not be an upgrade over Sage Rosenfels, who at least knows the system and receivers. And in regards to ESPN, I've even had to ban Sportscenter which has become The Slob On Brett Favre Hour Featuring Chris Mortensen. We may have to march on Bristol. Call Jessie and Al, they know how to organize that shit.