First up, Ken Rosenthal of who thinks the yankees are getting an unfair rap.
Unemployed? Boo the Yankees. Deep in debt? Take it out on the Yankees. Depressed by your 401(k)? Commit fan interference against the Yankees.
I stubbed my toe pretty bad on a desk today, can I dome rock Mark Texeira? Scientific studies have empirically shown that dome rocking Mark Texeira alleviates depression in 100% of tested individuals.
Orioles fans had no rational reason to boo Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira on Monday, unless you believe that a free agent should give his hometown team a $30 million discount and ignore that team's 11 straight losing seasons.
It may seem that I skipped around in the article, but that's actually the next sentence. Let's not discuss the lack of any sort of connection between the two thoughts. Let's discuss the point of this though. If you were offered 150 million to play baseball for the team you rooted for growing up or 180 million to go to the rival of your favorite team growing up, which would team would you join? At what point does money stop mattering? Top of the line Lear jets cost 50 million dollars. After buying the most obscenely expensive, showy, and unnecessary item in the world you would still have 100 million dollars. What else can you buy? Orioles fans have the following rational reasons to boo Texeira: A) He is everything wrong with sports, shunning the opportunity to revive his hometown team in exchange for extra money that isn't particularly valuable to him. B) They paid for the tickets. If you pay the 40-50 bucks it costs to go to a game and you want to tell a player that you think he's an asshole, that's the advantage to being at a game instead of watching it on TV. Home field advantage exists because of the assholes at the game.
For one day, and probably only one day, Baltimore's Camden Yards was transformed from the funereal home of a bumbling franchise to the raucous center of a populist rebellion.
The first goal of this populist rebellion will be to round up all condescending sportswriters who use gross hyperbole in their articles, then firmly punch them in the trachea.
The Yankees sure didn't look like a club that went 24-10 in spring training,
That is a stupid statement. Spring training means nothing. You are stupid for believing otherwise.
but the season opener is merely the first of 162 games.
Are you really diminishing the importance of regular season games while using spring training performance as an indication of quality? Really? I realize it's only one game, but it still counts for more than all of spring training combined. If Counting Calories Sabathia can't get his shit together when the pressure's on, that's an issue.
Of course, things could get more interesting if fans throughout the American League take a cue from the generally docile Orioles crowd and seek to overthrow the Yankees by whatever means necessary.
An Orioles fan sitting in the left-field seats actually had the audacity to interfere with Yankees left fielder Johnny Damon on Izturis' two-run homer in the eighth
Rosenthal also compared this situation to the infamous Jeffrey Maier intervention. Jeffrey Maier clearly interfered with a game tying home run in the 8th inning of the ALCS. The anonymous fan in question MAY have interfered with an insurance run in a regular season game. Do I have to taser the concept of magnitude into your brain Mr. Rosenthal?
The play, if marketed properly, could spark an anti-Yankees crusade, filling ballparks across America.
Marketed by who? How would watching an inconsequential non-call spark an anti-Yankees crusade? How would this bring more people to baseball games? People already hated the Yankees, this changes nothing. Absolutely nothing. What were you thinking when you wrote this Ken Rosenthal? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?
I don't think you understand the concept of taxes
Assuming Texeira invests absolutely nothing, what can you do with 90 million that you can't with 75? You're still well past the point where money matters at all. Taxes are moot.
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